Cooking Worktop Background

Stay connected worldwide with colleagues with our virtual cooking lessons

Stay connected worldwide with colleagues with our virtual cooking lessons

10 Best Online Cooking Classes - Virtual Cooking Courses

We have developed a virtual cooking lesson service given the restraints of lockdown and if you’re a business owner or team leader it’s a great way to boost employee’s moral in these challenging times, have fun and learn how to cook some amazing food in 2hrs.

In the past few months businesses have faced challenges given the restrictions that have been placed on the population due to COVID. The field we work in, hospitality, has been one of the worst affected. Of course there have been many negatives that the past few months has brought when running a business but the drive to survive has also driven innovation as we along with many other businesses have had to adapt the services we offer.

One of the services we have adapted which has quickly become a client’s favourite is our much loved virtual cooking lessons. Before COVID we used to offer face to face lessons but this all had to change to carry on delivering a service our clients loved in the last few challenging months and so came the birth of the virtual cooking lesson!

We know that those of you working in the corporate world in teams have also faced your challenges not being able to see your colleagues who often offer that support system in work. Or even those of you who have recruited new staff, working virtually has no doubt raised a challenge of welcoming in and incorporating a new face into the culture of your company.

If your team is starting to find the virtual work set up a challenge, is losing moral and motivation, we believe our lockdown innovation could inject a bit of life back into them. We are of course talking about our virtual cooking lesson!

Our virtual lessons are a great way for colleagues to stay connected and have fun, they can lift spirits and help break the ice with new members of the team that you may not have had the chance to meet face to face yet.

So how does it work?

One of the many great things about our new virtual cooking lessons is that as many people can join as possible so whether you are a team of ten or a company of one hundred plus all your colleagues can join in and share on the experience.

The lesson is delivered by video by our lead chef Darryl. Darryl will build a virtual lesson around what you all really want to cook then participants will be given customised recipes for the lesson plus easy to follow instructions on how to get ready for the lesson so that when the camera starts rolling we’re all on the same page and everyone can cook along with ease!

There are no borders with our virtual lessons! If you’re an international company anyone anywhere can join so it can be a great way to catch up with colleagues abroad. The biggest group we have done to date is 308 guests worldwide so numbers aren’t an issue.

It will be a great talking point for the weeks following we’re sure with colleagues sharing their masterpieces or failed attempts at creating the dishes our chef teaches them.

A great way to build a bit of excitement before the day is to get those who are participating’s feedback on what they’d like to learn. You could even start a poll to see which dishes are most popular among your colleagues.

For all the events we do we allow our clients to give us the challenge of creating a menu or lesson to meet their exact need so go on, let us know what you and your colleagues would like to learn. Contact us today to arrange your virtual work cooking lesson!

We are now delivering and offering online cooking lessons.
Get in Touch!